Mparntwe World Suicide Prevention Day 2022 was held on the Council Chamber Lawns. The event provided a reflective moment around the impact of suicide in our communities, and promoted local programs that are working in suicide prevention and increasing community well being.

“But one thing that really scares me, what I see…. is the silence, no one can predict silence, what happens y’know. Even if you’re the smartest doctor on earth, silence is always a time bomb when our young people will commit suicide, you know they can be good one day and next day they’re gone, its because of that silence. What makes that silence is when there’s something happening at home behind closed doors, no one looks at that, everyone just looks at things that happen on the streets, you know easy preventable, but really look into preventing that suicide just by looking, opening that door to see what they’re thinking you know what the young people thinking about, you know we gotta break that silence of people, not only the bridge the silence is there, it’s a very dangerous thing silence is. ” – Baden Williams.