Health authorities have given a briefing to the CLP on the roadmap out of COVID 19 this week, which is something NT Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro has been calling for since the roadmap out of COVID in the NT was announced nearly two weeks ago by Chief Minister Michael Gunner.
As part of the roadmap, COVID vaccines will be mandatory for high-risk workers in remote communities.
The CLP has not as of yet said what their stance on mandatory vaccination is, saying that they want a briefing from the Chief Health Officers which would guide the party’s stance.
Shadow Minister for Health Bill Yan says there are many things he would like to hear about how the Officers got to the position of mandatory vaccination.
He spoke to CAAMA’s Philippe Perez earlier this week about the issue, including the ongoing debate over the National Aboriginal Art Gallery, crime in Mparntwe Alice Springs and Aboriginal representation in CLP ranks.