HeartKids is the only national not-for-profit organisation solely focused on supporting and advocating for all people impacted by childhood heart disease, one of the largest causes of infant death in Australia.
Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital disorder in newborns. The birth rate prevalence of congenital heart disease is understood to be approximately 8 – 10 cases per 1,000 live births.The Facts Congenital Heart Disease Acquired Childhood Heart Disease Rheumatic Heart Disease Kawasaki Disease CHD and COVID-19 While people often think of acquired heart disease in adults, it is relatively common in children too. Some of the more common heart conditions acquired during childhood include Rheumatic heart disease and Kawasaki disease.
COVID-19 is a virus that can affect your respiratory system (nose, throat, lungs) and heart. It can lead to new or increased heart arrhythmias, pneumonia and acute respiratory disease.
Jenni Hubert speaks with Anne McGown ,Family Support Coordinator for HeartKids.