All women in our community matter – their experiences matter – their stories matter – they matter

If you need support in regards to domestic, family and sexual violence, please contact 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or head to In an emergency, call 000

The first Territory-specific guidelines regarding reporting domestic family and sexual violence for journalists and communications officers have been launched in Mparntwe Alice Springs.

“These are the first media guidelines for the reporting of domestic, family and sexual violence in the Northern Territory. They are also among the first in the nation and they’re also among the first that exist in the world” – Research Scholar Chay Brown

Chief Executive Officer of Women’s Safety Services of Central Australia (WoSSCA), Larissa Ellis.
All Pictures: Paul Wiles/CAAMA

Shirleen Campbell from the Tangentyere Women’s Family Safety Group says unethical coverage of domestic violence stems from looking at the issue through a colonised lens.