Are NT traditional owners about to lose the right to veto mining exploration on their land?

Aboriginal people across the Northern Territory are being urged to voice their concerns to a Senate inquiry about proposed changes  to the Aboriginal Land Rights Act NT.

The Economic Empowerment) Bill 2021 will establish a new  Northern Territory Aboriginal Investment Corporation which the  government  says  will invest  in Aboriginal business and commercial projects  and  make payments for the benefit of aboriginal people living in the Northern Territory….but Emeritus Professor  Jon Altman  a  former consultant to both the Northern  and Central Land Councils  and veteran observer of the Act says in  his opinion there needs to be more  discussion and scrutiny over the proposed changes.

Professor Altman says developmental governments   looking to mineral and gas extraction into the future  see the rights  inherent in the  NT Lands Right Act as potentially blocking developmentā€¦ so there has been a  concerted  effort to dilute  and streamline the act to make it more straightforward for development proposals. He also questioned the Governments use of royalty money allocated to the Aboriginal Benefit Account.

 Listen to the full interview with Professor Jon Altman here: